

Alabamart has grown from a family run store to Nigeria’s favorite Online store for Electronics and Household Appliances. We believe shopping online should be fun and as convenient as possible and that is why, from the moment you find the product of your dreams to the moment we deliver it to your door, we’ve got your back. Our team of inhouse-expert will provide round the clock customer service and will not stop until customer is happy and confident with their choice of product and even after delivering the product to our customer, we encourage them to lift up their feet and let us do all the hard work by handling the installations. We also have our routine maintenance and warranty enforcements services all available for our Happy customers. In Summary, We focus on making the decisions that make our Nigerian Mums proud.

We have products ranging from Entertainment devices like TV & Audio, Cooling Appliances like the Air conditioners, Home appliances, Laundry Appliances like the washing machine, refrigerator & Freezers for your cold drinks, Kitchen Appliances & Wares for making those magical Nigerian meals, Generators to make sure you have power all the time. Our Pool of Gadgets cover your phones, Laptop and accessories and if you let us; Our collection of best Spanish Furniture Giant “ACTIU”  furniture’s will meet your comfort. Over the years, We have fostered partnership with Electronics Giants and Distribution Companies in Nigeria & Internationally to make sure that we deliver to your Doorstep only 100% authentic premium brand products.