Ibogaine Treatment Europe is a molecule that can be extracted from a variety of plants, including the Tabernanthe iboga shrub and the Voacanga africana tree, found in Central and West Africa.
Recent peer reviewed studies have shown that ibogaine is an effective medicine for most types of addiction and is far superior to conventional addiction management options. Ibogaine is an “addiction interrupter” that resets the dopamine reward circuitry in the brain. Ibogaine is also an effective treatment for many mental and emotional disorders and a powerful tool for self-discovery and personal growth.
How does ibogaine treatment work?
Ibogaine Treatment Europe is the only known medicine that interrupts addiction without withdrawal symptoms. Ibogaine is effective for treatment against a range of substances including opioids (heroin, methadone, suboxone, oxycodone), cocaine, alcohol, marijuana, amphetamine, and nicotine.
If you think of your brain as a computer hard drive, ibogaine acts like an anti-virus software that defrags the hard drive and removes all the viruses. Ibogaine works through the baggage of past traumas, learned behaviors, and belief systems to address the underlying emotional cause of addiction.
Ibogaine also has an antidepressant effect which contributes to a healthy and successful recovery plan. Finally, ibogaine has strong detoxifying powers and is an effective anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, and anti-viral agent, enhancing general well-being and increasing energy levels after treatment.
Our first priority is safety. Very few ibogaine providers operate in a truly medicalised setting. In contrast, at Iboga Tree Healing House, we have a fully qualified in-house medical doctor and fully qualified nurses. All our medical team are Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) certified. Our screening and exclusion criteria ensure that only those deemed healthy enough for ibogaine go forward for treatment. In addition, our clients are monitored during treatment 24/7, with continuous ECG measurement.
Also of critical importance is to provide a supportive environment. We have a deep compassion and understanding for even the most difficult and challenging situations.
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