Little Flowers Babyhouse & Pre-school

Little Flowers Babyhouse & Pre-school

The school is conveniently situated in Rossouw Street, The Willows on route to the N4 highway (just off Simon Vermooten drive).

We also assist our busy moms by arranging on-site consultations with a physiotherapist, occupational and speech therapist, hairdresser as well as our on-site baby clinic. We also supply healthy packed meals to take home (baby and toddler food). We believe that every child should be given the opportunity to participate in at least one extra mural activity as part of their school fees.

Our Babies (3-12 months) receive a baby massage once a week and ages 1-5 participate in Kinder Kinetics (please read more about these activities on page. We also offer music classes to the entire school at a nominal fee as well as a range of optional extra mural activities.


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